Warning Signs That Will Tell You When to Replace Your Furnace

With the warm weather approaching, it is important to make sure your air conditioning unit is functioning properly so you don’t have to make any air conditioning repairs and suffer through the hot weather! With proper maintenance, an HVAC unit can last between 12 and 15 years, so here are some tips and tricks any […]

How Do We Prepare for a Hurricane?

How do we prepare for a hurricane? If you?ve been asking your family and friends this question recently, you should be proud of yourself. Recognizing the need for preparation is the first, and most important, component of becoming prepared. Most people don?t realize the catastrophic power of hurricanes, and that they are a significant threat […]

How To Properly Use a Generator in the Event of an Outage

If a power outage occurs that last no more than several hours, it’s manageable. A couple of flash lights, maybe some candles and a little waiting is all that is required. No backup residential generators are needed. However, electric generators may be a good idea when a black out occurs that lasts for several days. […]

Finding Additional Fresh Water Sources For Your Home

Water is an extremely important part of any home. It provides the home with fresh drinking water, refrigeration and the ability to shower. It is also an extremely important part of the plumbing system, allowing the waste to be properly disposed of and to prevent any plumbing problems. When a water problem occurs, it can […]

Remodeling Your Kitchen? Keep These 3 Essentials In Mind

With the housing market as volatile as it has been over the last decade, it’s no surprise that American homeowners are looking for any way possible to add value to their homes. While adding new features certainly are one option, the most popular and reliable way to increase the value of a home is through […]

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