How Often Should I get my Septic Tank Cleaned?

Updated 4/5/22
Septic tanks are vital in any home. You need a septic tank to keep your sewer and drainage system functional. You should, however, note that to get the best from the septic tank, find ways to care for it. As a homeowner, ensure you learn all about septic systems to make informed decisions and keep your home comfortable.
As you gather information about septic tanks, start with the installation process. This means learning ways to install, repair and maintain a household septic tank. As you look for a professional to handle the building needs, have the right design. The design you choose determines the effectiveness of your cleaning efforts. But how do you know when a septic tank needs emptying? The septic building contractor you hire should guide you and make the process easy.
Like other structures in your home, effective cleaning and maintenance determine the septic’s longevity and functionality. But how much is a septic holding tank? It is crucial to create a budget that will help you clean, maintain and get the best services from the septic tank. You should also include the cost of a septic tank pumper in your budget to meet your expectations without spending much. You should note that effective septic tank cleaning is possible with expert help.

For people moving into a house with a septic tank, it may seem nerve wracking if you’ve never dealt with one before. However, there is really nothing to worry about. With proper upkeep and cleaning, you should never have a problem with it.
A fourth of all homes in the United States have septic systems, so while most people have city sewer systems, septic systems aren’t exactly rare. The idea behind a septic system is that all waste water goes into these large tanks. The solids settle to the bottom and the water is filtered out. There are enzymes that are used to help deteriorate the solids, so the tank does not have to be cleaned out all the time.
However, homeowners do have to be mindful of not letting things go down the drain that can not be broken down by the system. Essentially, nothing but toilet paper that is marked septic safe should be used or flushed. Even products advertised as safe to flush does not mean they are septic safe.
While not dramatic, if you have a garbage disposal, you need to remember that also goes into the septic tank and adds to the solids in there. Septic tank pumping is when a company comes and sucks out the solids that are in the tank, so it can start fresh. If the tank becomes full of solids the water can no longer pass through and can back up into the house or property.
A septic tank back up is a messy, smelly situation, which is best to avoid. Ensuring you are not allowing things that are not approved go down the drain is one thing you can do. Ensuring that the tank you have is an appropriate size for your house and the number of people living on the property is important also. You need to make sure the tank and system you have is equipped to handle the amount of waste that will be going through it.
If you are unsure about the size of your tank or its capacity, it is best to consult an expert. When first moving into a home with a system, it is a good idea to have someone come out anyway just to ensure everything is in proper working order and has been last cleaned out when you were informed it was. You don’t want to go off of what you were told by the previous owner in case that information is inaccurate.
There are four factors to consider when deciding when to schedule a septic cleaning. The four factors are the number of people in the house, the amount of water water being used, the volume of solids, and the size of the tank.
On average, a single family home will use 70 gallons of waste water per person per day. It is recommended that a four-person, two-bedroom house should have at least a 1000 gallon tank. While the volume of solids is not something you may easily be able to figure out, a professional can give you a rough estimate of time based on those factors.

Once you are provided with an estimate of time, it is important to have a schedule put in place, so you do not forget to have it pumped out on regular intervals. Leaks in the house can also add to the amount of waste water going through the system, so it is important to get those repaired as soon as they are discovered.
Once you are living in the house for a while and have it pumped out a couple times, you can ask your professional for advice on whether you should maintain the current schedule or change it based on how full it was when it was cleaned out and the amount of time that passed. The intervals may also need changed as the number of people living in your house changes.