When Was the Last Time You Had Your Furnace Serviced?

After a two week stint of very hot weather, followed by two full days of a smokey yellow sky, you are finally able to open the windows for the evening. Since it finally looks like you will no longer need to run the air conditioner, you now realize that you had better call the HVAC repair service to schedule your before the winter check up. Although it has only been two days since you have run the air conditioner, the temperatures this morning dipped clear down to 48 degrees. The quick temperature drop means that the cold weather could start any time soon. And while you are not a big fan of turning on the furnace any time soon, you also know that it is not outside the realm of possibility to have unseasonably cold temperatures for many days in row.
Three years ago you failed to schedule the HVAC repair inspection and when you needed the heat, the furnace did not work. You, and many others were on the phone nearly day and night to try to get a repair scheduled, but once the cold weather started everyone was looking for the same kind of help.
Heating and Air Conditioning Units Require Regular Service Appointments to Function Properly
Furnace installation and furnace repair is can be expensive, but neither are as expensive of paying the cost of frozen pipes in the winter when your empty rental property sits empty and you do not notice that the heat has quit working. Making an investment in a more energy efficient heating system is also expensive, but can save you heating costs for many months to follow. Consider some of this information about the heating and cooling industry and how working with local HVAC repair industries can help home and business owners protect their investments:
- Research indicates that an average life span for a furnace is 20 years.
- Expected lifespan of a boiler is 15 years.
- Air conditioning and heating repair and regular service are essential to getting the longest life out of the units that control the temperature in your home.
- Ductless heating systems help home owners keep their homes warm more efficiently.
- You may need to replace a home’s heating system if it is more than 12 to 15 years old, if it requires frequent repairs, or it does not supply sufficient warmth. Other indicators that a system needs to be replaced is if the unit makes unusual sounds, cycles on and off irregularly, or consumes increasing amounts of energy.
- Furnaces with annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) ratings between 90% and 95% are considered high efficiency.
- Obviously, high efficiency furnaces cost more to purchase, but can save money and energy over time. These units also come with advanced features.
- Resetting your thermostat can save significant amounts of energy. In fact, turning a thermostat back can save a home owner up to 1% for each degree it is set back, if the furnace is left that way for eight hours.
- Conserving even more energy, if the temperature is set back 10 degrees when you go to work, you could save 10% on the heating and cooling bill.
- Only 33% of homes in the U.S. do not have air conditioning. In fact, many people might find it difficult to survive if they did not have the comfort of air conditioning, especially the elderly and those who have breathing difficulties.
- Learning to follow the manufacturer’s suggested maintenance schedule can help you make the most of the investments that you make in your home’s heating and cooling system. Changing air filters on a regular basis and having the unit serviced twice a year are two of the top ways that you can protect your investment.
- Deciding to install new and better insulation is generally the best single step to take to reduce energy waste. Without adequate attic insulation, in fact, nearly 20% of every dollar spent on home heating is wasted and goes through the roof in wasted energy.
When it is still the last days of summer, few are ever really READY FOR COLD weather, but it is important to make sure you have a furnace checked by HVAC repairmen to keep you warm when the inevitable cold happens.