How Do You Remove Bats From the House

Most bad species in North America and around the world are going extinct. Bats provide many benefits for the environment and for people. They eat tons of insects and pollinate food crops. However, they can be a health hazard in your home. The You Tube Channel Share Bright Light looks at how to remove bats from your home.
Bats have to be removed because there are no bat control pesticides or effective repellents on the market. Bats should only be removed during warmer months, because forcing them to leave your home during the winter will kill them. Check out the website of Bat World Sanctuary to find a list of vets, volunteers, biologists, and ethical pest control companies that will remove the bats without harming them.
A pest control company can search your home to find out how the bats are getting in. These entrance holes need to be repaired or sealed. Chimneys need caps. Any gaps that cannot be easily filled with putty or caulk need to be patched with copper wire mesh. These repairs should be made in the day, when the bats are out of your home. The bats will not be able to get back in at night. A company may place a one-way valve or mesh device over an entrance hole, so the bats can go out but not come back in. After a couple of weeks, the device is removed.