Considering Remodeling your Kitchen but Think the Cost is Too High? Read This and Think Again!

Is your kitchen old and outdated? Do your cabinets need a contemporary kitchen cabinetry upgrade? What about replacing your counter tops? What is the difference of quartz vs granite counter tops? Isn’t replacing kitchen cabinets expensive, inconvenient, and time consuming? Well, take a look at this information, and you might decide that upgrading your kitchen isn’t as inconvenient as you might think.
- A slab of granite is cut, treated, and then polished until smooth when it is made into a counter. It is less durable than people tend to believe, which is why you need to know how to clean granite counter tops if you get one installed.
- The price of granite is different in different countries and areas depending on how common the type of granite is in that area. This is because granite is mined in different places all across the globe.
- Mountain ranges tend to have granite as a major component, so if you live near a large mountain range, chances are certain types of granite will be more affordable because it may be mined locally and doesn’t need to be shipped a long distance to your granite wholesalers.
- Kitchen cabinets now a days look very different from the simple designs they tended to have before WWI. Occasionally cupboards were used, but for the most part it was only a pantry for any dry storage. In larger homes, dishes tended to be stored in the dining room or even the butler’s pantry.
- Remodeling Magazine claimed that in 2012 to 13 in their Cost VS Value Report that the average cost nation wide for a high end kitchen makeover averages at $53,931.
I’m sure that last number isn’t appealing, but when you consider that a kitchen make over has the highest return of investment of any room remodeled in the house, and the fact that it usually has on average at least a 20% ROI, well … That sweetens the deal a little, doesn’t it? Maybe that contemporary kitchen cabinetry doesn’t look like such a bad investment after all.