Ways to Create Your Own Style by Mixing Traditional and Modern Furniture

Modern furniture can add a real sense of style to any room. As an art and design form, modernism combines multiple styles and is knows for embracing new ideas and rejecting realism or more traditional forms and designs. It is often charizatized as having clean and simple lines and using less ornate fabrics and patterns. It is possible to mix in modern furniture designs with more traditional pieces to create a unique look for your home. The sleek lines featured in many modern furniture designs can make them the perfect compliment to more tradutional pieces. Visit any modern furniture store and they wil have examples of how new and old designs can work together to create fun and unique looks for just about any taste and style.
Tips to Combining Modern and Traditional Furniture Pieces
Pick a common theme to tie all of your pieces together. This can be a color, pattern or material. You can take different pieces from completely different styles and make them look like they were always meant to go together by unifyingj the room around a common color, pattern or material. You can use the repeition of this element to draw attention to the element that is similar to all of your pieces. Your local modern furniture store can offer examples and suggestions for making this work in the way you would like it to.
Consider ways to make your collection look like you have been doing this a long time. Rather than constructing your space to appear as if it is from a specific time frame or era, think of your different pieces as being part of a collection that you have been curating for a long time. This way, you empbasize your unique style and point of view. Go to local antigue stores and vintage shops in addition to the modern furniture store. When assembled, modern art and furniture pieces can look great alongside vintage pieces and antiques.
Be creative about where you put your different pieces.You may have several cool modern furniture pieces that you have always had in the living room, that does not mean that is the only place for them. Try mixing it up by moving furnuture from one room to another. Maybe you have a great chest or chair that has always been in the bedroom. See how it would look in your living or dining room. By moving your furniture to a new place, you can give the room a new lool and maybe bring new life to a piece you had not thought about in a long time. That is a win-win for sure. Some people even take pieces that are traditionally used outdoors to create new and innovative looks inside (this can be really nice in a dining room, for example).
Antique and vintage pieces can add texture, personality and depth to your rooms.When you add a fiew pieces that you found at a vinatge store, your grandmother’s attic or even a yard sale, you can really add your unique taste. Mix a few antique pieces into a room you just decorated with items from the modern furniture store and you will be surprized at how thet complement each other. The vintage or antique pieces can really stand out next to the astere looking true contemporary furniture.
Increase your space with oversized antiques Few things can change the way a room appears than antique furniture that is oversized. Tables are great examples of this. Antique dining room tables can really go well with modern chairs and gove your room the illusion of being larger than it actually is. The juxtaposition of the old and the new create a cool dynamic andnbsp;to any room or decor.
Modern art and furniture design pieces can work alone or with a variety of other styles. When you start mixing ultra modern furniture designs with more traditional styles or antiques, you are creating a look that really is your own. By mixing and matching the finds you got at the modern furniture store with pieces from your family or a local antique shop, you can show off the uniqueness of the different styles.