Have You Just Discovered the Cause of the Musty Smell in Your Home?

It is the kind of mess that no one wants to deal with. Whether you are facing an extensive clean involved with a house fire damage repair or dealing with water and mold from a severe thunderstorm or tornado, the mess you are left to deal with is complicated. Faced with damaged and lost memories, you have to immediately confront the damage so that mold and mildew do not get any worse. The fact that property owners are often dealing with emotional losses after a fire or a natural disaster can complicate the task of also having to take care of, and avoid further, water damage. Fortunately, cleaning professionals that specialize in house fire damage repair understand the difficult task and have the right equipment to take care of both interior water damage and mold cleanup.
Are You Looking for Immediate Help from a Home Water Damage Situation?
If you are a home or business owner facing the difficult task of water and mold removal, your problems need to be addressed immediately. Waiting until the next week, or even the next day, is not an option. The fact that water damage is increases, and the chance of mold growing increases, with every hour after a fire or natural disaster means that you will need to find trained professionals to address the problem as soon as possible. Given that a sheet of drywall standing upright with its edge sitting in even a half an inch of water can wick water up to six inches in less than three hours, is an indicator of how important every second is. In addition, mold typically begins to grow in just 24 to 48 hours in an untreated moist environment, so the costs of waiting to address a problem are compounded even more.
Knowing that you need to call water and mold experts as soon as fire, flood, or storm damage has occurred can save you time, money, and energy. Make the call before it is too late.
Consider some of these important statistics about the necessity of dealing with storm and house fire damage repair, as well as any plumbing problems, as soon as possible:
- 10 to 20 feet high walls of water can accompany flash floods.
- 90% of all U.S. natural disasters declared by the President involve some sort of flooding, since, next to wildfires, floods are the most widespread natural disasters.
- Water damage can cost more than $50,000 on a 2,000 square foot home undergoing 12? of water, according to Floodsmart.
- House fire damage repair and other water damage cleanups are also a major task. In fact, nearly 20% of all insurance claims are related to water damage of some kind.
- Insurance is a major advantage when faced with a water damages event. Unfortunately, even though 95% of homeowners had homeowners insurance, only 40% of renters had renters insurance, according to a 2015 Insurance Information Institute poll.
- 63.4% was the home ownership rate in the second-quarter of the year 2015.
- To handle large claim events, many insurance companies set up 24-hour emergency hotlines in the event of a catastrophe situation.
- Severe thunderstorms losses accounted for nearly 60% of the 2015 insured losses, totaling $9.6 billion.
- in the year 2013, the average homeowners insurance premium rose by 6%. This increase followed a 5.6% increase in 2012, according to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners February 2016 report.
- $16.1 billion was the total of insured losses due to natural disasters in the U.S. in 2015. This was more than the $15.3 billion total for 2014, according to a report from the German insurance provider Munich Re.
- $3.5 billion in insured losses were caused by winter storms and cold waves in the year 2015. This figure nearly double the $1.8 billion yearly average from the previous 10 years.
- Drought, heat waves, and wildfires produced $1.9 billion in insured losses in the year 2015. This number represented a drop in the 10-year average of $2.8 billion.
Dealing with the emotional side of a loss of property and possessions is difficult, but having to deal with the physical implications can be just as challenging. Finding a team of professionals to help you remove the water and the mold after a flood, fire, or thunderstorm is essential.