The Benefits Of Hiring a Lighting Designer

Every single year there are people who go out of their way to renovate their homes. This can come from wanting to get the most out of their home buying process. However, this can also be done just to make their home look nice for daily use.
A study conducted by the American Society of Interior Design indicated that 68% of employees complain about the lighting situation in their offices. This stat points to just how important it is to get the help of a lighting designer and lighting situations. Outdoor business lighting, landscape lights, and landscape lighting are all incredibly important and here at the benefits of hiring a lighting designer.
Test participants with windows in their offices got a startling 46 minutes more sleep per night than their natural light-starved counterparts and even reported getting more exercise after work. So there is a biological difference between being exposed to LED lights and natural lighting. This is important to keep in mind if you are planning to put together a home office and have not hired a lighting designer.
Lighting accounts for about 11% of energy use in residential buildings and 18% in commercial buildings. These types of percentages can end up being costly every single month. As a result, there is great value in consulting with a lighting designer when it comes to efficiently designed a building.
Department of Energy statistics reveals that approximately 22% of all electricity generated in the United States is used for lighting, and about 10% of that is used to power outdoor lighting applications. There is no reason to act as though these things do no effect the overall bottom line of a business. So anyone that is putting together a business office needs to get the help of a lighting designer when putting together a viable lighting design!
If you are installing LED lights then there are some things that only a lighting designer will know. For instance, you can get different color lighting from different types of LED lights. For a warm-yellow light, use bulbs marked 2700-2900K, for a whiter light, use bulbs marked 3000-4100K, for bluer white light, use bulbs marked 4200-6500K.
When the correct driver is installed and proper thermal control is maintained, the LED lamp life can easily achieve 80,000 hours of usage, while still maintaining 70% of the original light output. LEDs use only 15% of the energy a standard halogen light uses, and provide up to 85% more light output. While this makes LEDs highly energy efficient in comparison, power is still utilized.
Over half of homeowners who are upgrading their outdoor spaces spend six or more hours there per week. Relaxing, gardening and entertaining are the top three uses of the space. With this in mind, it is foolish to not get the help of a lighting designer for residential lighting. If people are spending a lot of time in their yards using newly installed lights then it needs to be of the highest possible quality.
The majority of homeowners upgrading their outdoor spaces are addressing their backyard. Landscaping increases your home’s resale value 14%. As a result, if you are selling your home you can potentially make your selling process easier by getting the help of a lighting designer.
Nearly 90% of real estate agents encourage homeowners to invest in landscaping prior to selling. By setting your lighting to timers or dimmers, your home looks beautiful 24 hours a day with minimal effort on your part. So if you have a busy schedule that prevents you from being home to take care of your lawn every single day then you can implement this type of lighting and it will quite easily help boost the overall quality of your home.
In Conclusion
Every single year there are homeowners across the United states that want to change up their outdoor lighting design. They will implement LED outdoor lights, a new terrace lighting design, or unique lighting design. Now, if you can do this job on your own then good for you. But, before you embark on your project at the very least consult with a lighting designer to get an efficient landscape lighting design.