Genrad 1986 Omnical Sound Level Calibrator

This video is all about the Genrad 1986 Omnical Sound Level Calibrator and how it can be helpful in digital tests. To find out little details, watch this video.
Omnical Sound-Level Calibrator from 1986 is capable of evaluating nearly any acoustic instrument digital test.
Moreover, it also has aulputs with many levels and frequencies.
Other than this, it is battery-powered and portable which makes it easier to carry. The 1986 is intended to verify almost all of the characteristics of a sound-level metre as prescribed by IEC and ANSI standards. It can be used with all types and sizes of regularly used measurement microphones thanks to the provided and oplional microphone cavity adapters.
The calibrator has lones at six distinct frequencies ranging from 125 Hz to 4000 Hz in octave stages, as well as five different sound-pressure levels ranging from 74 to 114 dB in l (‘dB steps. This includes a sensitivity test of an acoustic instrument near the specific frequency and level of each measurement.
The Omnical Sound-Level Calibrator from 1986 is capable of evaluating nearly any acoustic instrument or system’s fundamental properties. Besides, the tone explodes with calibration along with battery-powered portable design.
The calibrator has lones at six distinct frequencies ranging from 125 Hz to 4000 Hz in octave stages, as well as five different sound-pressure levels ranging from 74 to 114 dB in l (‘dB steps. This includes a sensitivity test of an acoustic instrument near the specific frequency and level of each measurement.
The frequency response of a sound measuring system, weighting network, or filter can also be tested.