How Do We Prepare for a Hurricane?

How do we prepare for a hurricane? If you?ve been asking your family and friends this question recently, you should be proud of yourself. Recognizing the need for preparation is the first, and most important, component of becoming prepared. Most people don?t realize the catastrophic power of hurricanes, and that they are a significant threat for six months of the year. The Atlantic hurricane season lasts from June 1st to November 30th. Generally, storms originate in the fall, although it is technically possible at any point of the year. Historically, the worst month for hurricanes is September with August coming in a close second. Once a hurricane forms it can last for weeks, but the average lifespan of a storm is about ten days.
How do we prepare for a hurricane with insurance? Preparation for a hurricane must begin long before a storm begins to build over the water. A home hurricane preparedness plan needs to begin with ensuring the structural integrity of the building, but also insuring the financial integrity. Home owner?s insurance, including flood insurance depending on the location of your home, should be the first step in preparing your home. Once a named storm is in the water, most insurance companies will not write new policies. Take the time to consult your insurance agent while you are making other hurricane preparations to ensure your policy is up to date and adequate.
Exterior Storm Shutters
How do we prepare for a hurricane damaging our house? The next step in preparing your home for a hurricane is installing exterior storm shutters. This may be the single most effective thing you can do to protect your home during a hurricane, and it also needs to happen long before there is a storm brewing. Shutters protect windows and sliding glass doors from the debris flown about during a storm. Broken windows and doors allow rain and debris into the home, causing much of the storm damage. Making these weak points stronger can help ensure your house is livable after the storm.
How do we prepare for a hurricane’s after effects? Home generators can be invaluable after a hurricane when power can be out for days or weeks. There are large generators that can provide power for an entire home and portable generators that can provide power for small appliances. Generally, families planning to shelter in place benefit from the largest generator they can afford as it will make living conditions far more comfortable.
With about five hurricanes striking the coastline of the United Stated over any given three-year period, it is imperative to actively be engaged in preparing for a hurricane. Of these three storms, two will likely have winds over 110 mph. Once a hurricane watch or warning is issued, it is too late to prepare your home for a hurricane. A watch is issued when a storm is less than 48 hours from potential landfall, and a warning is issued when there are less than 24 hours from a potential landfall. That is not enough time to make changes to insurance, install exterior storm shutters, or locate and install a generator. Start checking items off your disaster preparedness list now, so you will be fully prepared for the next hurricane that threatens your home.