Remodeling Your Kitchen? Keep These 3 Essentials In Mind

With the housing market as volatile as it has been over the last decade, it’s no surprise that American homeowners are looking for any way possible to add value to their homes. While adding new features certainly are one option, the most popular and reliable way to increase the value of a home is through kitchen remodeling. Nearly 7.6 million homeowners will remodel their kitchen this year in the United States. Why is kitchen remodeling so popular? For one, kitchen remodeling has a high return on investment. A mid-range kitchen remodel is a sure investment, according to Remodeling Magazine?s annual “Cost vs. Value Report.” An average kitchen remodel of $16,128 will recoup about 72.5% of those costs when it?s time to sell your home. If you think kitchen remodeling is just the thing your home needs for some rejuvenation, keep reading for our three best tips to keep in mind when for kitchen remodeling.
Planning for Success
The most important step in the custom kitchen design process is planning. In order to try and think of everything you might need to consider when remodeling kitchen cabinets, the National Kitchen and Bath Association (NKBA) recommends spending up to six months evaluating and planning before beginning work. No matter how much planning you’ve done, there will always be adjustments that need to be made on the fly and problems you did not anticipate. Thus, consulting with qualified remodeling experts during the planning phase is essential. In addition to adding style and efficiency, a professional kitchen designer can make sure that contractors and installers are scheduled in an orderly fashion. Remember: plan twice, remodel once.
Prioritizing Your Changes
While you might want to demolish your entire kitchen and start from scratch, it’s not always feasible or affordable. If you’re moving water features, try and prioritize your changes to keep water lines in place. Locating new plumbing fixtures near existing plumbing pipes saves demolition and reconstruction dollars. You might want to also choose a few areas to focus on. In kitchen renovation, the appliances, kitchen cabinetry, and counter tops should be given the highest priority since these are the most visible elements and occupy the most surface area in your kitchen. Don’t under do it, however. If your existing cabinets are in poor shape or have water damage, simply re-facing them is not a good option. You’ll have to spend money fixing the old cabinets before you can reface them or repair them later after remodeling. Kitchen remodeling professionals can aid you in prioritizing what areas of your kitchen you’d like to spend your time and, more importantly, your money.
Choosing the Right Materials
Unlike human beings, all kitchens were not created equal. Modern designs can be water-efficient and just as functional, if not more so, than the older style water-wasting fixtures. A small additional cost now can benefit both the environment and your water bill in the long run. If you’re remodeling cabinets, make sure to choose new certified cabinetry materials. Certified cabinets survive exposure to humidity, temperatures ranging from ?5 to 120 degrees Fahrenheit, and can withstand spills of kitchen mainstays like vinegar, lemon, fruit juices, ketchup, and coffee without showing signs of blistering, discoloration, or other damage. Consult with a remodeling professional about choosing the right materials and designs for your kitchen’s needs.
Lastly: Choose a Professional
While not one of our three tips, the most important advice when thinking about kitchen remodeling is choosing the right professionals to help you. Don’t try to cut corners and end up having to remodel twice. Consult with a remodeling professional to begin your kitchen remodeling process.