Rainy Days Blues The Downside of All This Rain

2017 is shaping up to be an unusually rainy year. Seattle, Washington recently celebrated setting a 122 year old record for the most rain in the winter season. Buffalo New York is about to break a record of its own for the most rainfall during the month of April, set in 1961.
For some, this is good news; in all but four counties, California?s five year drought has officially ended. But for most, the increase in rain is an inconvenience at best, but for some, the rain is a disaster. Already we are seeing the effects of higher than average rain fall in the pricing of West coast produce. Ironically, the sudden surge of rain was left most fields too waterlogged to farm.
?Right now, [we] can’t really do much, the water level is so high,? said John Enyart , a Portland area farmer who?s been forced to delay planting certain crops indefinitely while he waits for the excess water to be pumped from the field.
The effect has been a marked increase in prices for goods like Californian spinach has increase 20% per box, kale by 87% per box, and even as high as 332.7% per box of Broccoli according to the Weather Network.
But it?s not just famers who have to worry about the economic effects of the influx of rain we are seeing. Home water damage has been a chronic problem for American homes for years. In 2015 nearly $10 billion of damage was reported from severe thunderstorms alone. Water damage represents a fifth of all insurance claims.
Higher rains can cause a number of different types of home water damage, from damaging your foundation to sewer backups; rains can even cause an increase in likely hood of mold developing. Even an small leak in the ceiling could develop into a serious problem for home owners.
The cost of interior water damage and mold cleanup can be astronomical. The best way to avoid this problem is to be prepared. Water leak detection services can find any weak spots in plumbing lines and in your home and provide a water leak repair if necessary.
Whether you are tending your farm or protecting your home, the record breaking rainfall presents a challenge. And while some ill effects are unavoidable, with proper care and preparation we can make sure to minimize the damages.